
Although I didn't take any formal training in web development (or any coding for that matter), I wouldn't have been able to be where I'm at without some amazing people sharing resources openly with the world wide internets. Below is a list of resources I used to develop this site.

Svelte and Sveltekit

The Svelte/SvelteKit Website and Documentation

The Svelte website is a fantastic resource. The ability to try out examples in the in browser editor helped keep me engaged and ultimately made it easier for me to learn.


Pico CSS is a fantastic library that makes your website look much better with nothing more than semantic HTML. I really like how it's lightweight and doesn't require a bunch of tags, which makes the code cleaner.


Kevin Powell's Youtube

Kevin Powell has some fantatsic videos primarily centered around CSS. The triangle pattern on the header/footer were inspired by one of his videos. I've watched many others, but those will be things I may add in the future.


I used the css file Neale outlines in a CSS Tricks article for many of the open animations (the nav bar, the roles in History). I've also been referencing this file in my own attempts at animation.


For code snippets, I created a small component based on PrismJS. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get the Python support working in this context. For the small snippets I've done so far, the JavaScript formatting has been fine, but it is likely something I'll need to resolve in the future.

Sanity is a headless CMS that I use for most of the content on this site (boards, items to read, journal entries, etc). The interface to edit is pretty solid, and I can access it on my phone. I also really like how you can create references to other documents, so you can essentially build out a graph of knowledge with very little effort.

On top of all that, they have a great example of how to integrate it into a sveltekit project, and it's been free for my pretty limited usage.


My current favorite image of myself per my 8 yo daughter