A life long learner, this is what I'm looking at next.

Get Low and Rusty πŸ¦€

The next language I am planning to learn is Rust. Although the learning curve to Rust is steep, I think it will help me learn better practices with memory management. Rust also seems to interopp with Python really well.

Write More ✍🏼

There is so much data flowing through my head, and I've already found myself coming back to some of the same problems I've solved before. I want to get in a better habbit of writing everything down either on this site or using the internal blog platform at work. Hopefully these articles will help somebody, like future me.

Great at the Basics of the Web πŸ•ΈοΈ

I believe the best way for me to become a good front-end developer is to learn html and css really well. Developers who are confident with these technologies can create amazing results without any javascript.

Learn the Scripts β„˜

I'm hoping to get as comfortable with vanilla javascript as I am with Python. I'd also like to start learning TypeScript, Svelte, and React to augment my javascript skills.

Getting Func(tional Language)y πŸ•ΊπŸΌ

I woulds like to learn a functional language to learn a new paradigm. I'm still investigating which option I'd like to try first for a functional langauge. I'm currently considering F#, Scala, and Cloujure.

My current favorite image of myself per my 8 yo daughter